33 lessons with 33 accompanying videos
A piece of classical music at the top of every lesson
Great for specialists and generalists

Teaching Key Stage 1 Music
This book is ideal for primary teachers with little or no experience of teaching music. It will also offer fresh ideas and inspiration to the most experienced music specialists. Teaching Key Stage 1 contains an entire scheme of work for pupils in Year 1 and Year 2, with a CD of performance and accompaniment tracks and photocopiable resources.
Teaching Key Stage 2 Music
Teaching Key Stage 2 Music is a complete step-by-step scheme of work for both specialist and non-specialist teachers. The book is carefully constructed to help teachers meet curriculum requirements and deliver music in an exciting and creative way, and includes detailed lesson plans yet also provides the flexibility for teachers to create their own. The book contains plenty of songs and rhymes, listening recommendations and assessment grids and provides fantastic audio and visual support. The Enhanced CD contains photocopiable lyrics and worksheets for easy printing/projection as well as backing tracks and full performances of all the songs contained within.

Teaching Foundation Music

This book is ideal for primary teachers with little or no experience of teaching music. It will also offer fresh ideas and inspiration to the most experienced music specialists. "Teaching Foundation Music" is the first of Ann Bryant's music work schemes for primary teachers. The book includes lots of songs and rhymes with flexible lesson plans built around them as well as a CD of performance and accompaniment tracks to accommodate teachers with limited keyboard skills.This scheme offers guidance for those with no formal musical training and will build the confidence of all primary level teachers. The lesson plans are completely flexible and can accommodate mixed age and mixed ability groups, making them perfect for schools with more than one intake. Any teacher will benefit from Ann's broad experience and imaginative ideas and Children will love getting involved and singing the wide range of original songs and rhymes that have been incorporated into this structured and accessible set of lesson plans.
Introducing Classical Music Through Stories
A set of six fully illustrated books each packaged with a CD of a piece of classical music, for which the story has been specially written, So story, illustration and music blend to provide three dimensional inspiration for young children at home and at school.

"The QCA programme of study for music states that pupils should listen to 'a range of live and recorded music from different cultures' so this definitely fits the bill. We finished up using the story and the music as a starting point for literacy and art work too. The whole project developed such an enormous amount of interest and enthusiasm!"
Sue Mahon, Year 2 Teacher
THE DRAGON'S TALE story is accompanied by Beethoven's 5th Symphony, 1st movement
BILLY BRIGGS, BIG ON SKATES is accompanied by The Moldau by Smetana
JUPITER COVE is accompanied by Jupiter from The Planet Suite by Holst
CRAZY ALIEN BALL is accompanied by A Night on Bare Mountain by Mussorgsky
THE INCREDIBLE SPINNING WHEEL is accompanied by Omphale's Spinning Wheel by Saint Saens
WILLIAM THE CRACK SHOT KID is accompanied by The William Tell Overture by Rossini
The Dragon's Tale is available to purchase for £5
Pictures Poems & Percussion

There are 12 beautifully illustrated poems in each book. Specific percussion activities are suggested for each poem. The tracks on the accompanying CD include the poems alone, backing tracks alone and poems and backing tracks together. So this resource totally ticks literacy and music boxes for the National Curriculum.
Keyclub Piano Course
A series of piano books for beginners

The Keyclub Piano Course is a new world of learning the piano and is designed specifically to suit the needs of today's children and teachers.
It contains: Keyclub Piano Tutors Books 1, 2 and 3, Teacher's and Parent Guide, and Keyclub to the Rescue 1,2 and 3.
The tutors take place in Keyland, so the whole series has its own integral fantasy world for children to enjoy discovering.
"Congratulations for producing such a fine set of piano tutor books! The 'Keyclub' piano course is without a doubt the most successful I have used to date and comes closest to my 'ideal' piano course! The books are tremendously popular with my pupils: they appreciate the attractive, colourful illustrations and really enjoy the great variety of songs to sing and play. They are definitely motivated by your excellent idea of dividing the books into 'Keylands' - they enjoy the satisfaction of completing a Keyland and adding the sticker, and are always looking forward to the next Keyland! From my point of view, I appreciate having a Teacher's Guide to accompany the series - I have found this very useful, especially when I was less familiar with the course. I also appreciate the minimal fingering and the emphasis on note-reading by intervals - it really has encouraged both my pupils and myself to get away from an early reliance on finger numbers and hence gain a much more confident beginning to reading musical notation."
Helen Ketteridge CT ABRSM, from Nottingham
Music and Action Book/CD
- Mister Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.